Racing Model 레이싱모델 車模 : 송가람 Song Ga Ram Booth : Amateras Solar Window Film 2017 서울오토살롱 2017 Seoul Auto Salon 2017 ソウルオートサロン 2017 首爾改裝車展 SEOUL AUTO SALON 2017: The only and largest aftermarket focused exhibition in Korea that is representative and leading tuning industry. Seoul Auto Salon supports the desire of all tuning people as a big event in Korea and provides a business opportunity and communication channel by inviting buyers and lots of visitors. It would be good to experience a new item at Seoul Auto Salon which is always seeking a new opportunity. EXHIBITS: Auto Tuning, Auto Care, IT Device & Accessories, Tuning Shop Festival DATE : July, 13 ~ 16, 2017 TIME : 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM VENUE : Coex Exhibition Center, Hall C & D, Seoul, South Korea