台灣女藝人, 有「情色女教主」之稱雪碧咋日以燝乳人魚裝出席「亞洲國際博彩娛樂展 G2E Asia 2018」 RTG Asia 出品之搏彩遊戲《人魚失落之宝藏》之宣傳活動 , 雪碧身穿超性感低胸人魚裝, 以再發肉身形, 爆乳露南半球大跳熱舞,全塲 high 爆!
亞洲國際博彩娛樂展 G2E Asia 2017 Global Gaming Expo Asia 2017 Date : 15-17 May, 2018 Venue : Venetian Macao 澳門威尼斯人
Global Gaming Expo Asia (G2E Asia), the marketplace for the Asian gaming - entertainment industry, kicked off its 12th year with high attendance of top-level representatives from business, government and the diplomatic community. This year, the show floor area has jumped over 30% to 37,000sqm, with new exhibitors making up a third of the 220 exhibitors. And expected around 15,000 local and international trade visitors over its three event days.
G2E Asia是世界上規模最大的亞洲博彩業B2B展會,每年,在這一行業盛會上,業內頂級買家及供應商歡聚一堂,相互交流,開展合作。